Foto de Brooke Cagle
1. Ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic diversity
Scientific evidence
Needs more evidence
- The education of families in situations of social inequality impact the educational success of their children
- Affirmative action policies benefit everyone
- Multicultural contexts achieve the greatest success in social inclusion.
- Hidden curriculum is not viable when there is multiculturality at class.ºº
- “Only-immigrants” classrooms are better for the students learning process
- Studying with people with the same culture produces more benefits than multicultural education
- Roma Women Students’ Gatherings enhance access to higher education
- Applying learning programs to the Gypsy community reduces the impact of school failure
- A student’s race and ethnicity are a cause of the academic achievement gaps
- Many Negro parents have had little schooling themselves and hence are unable to appreciate its value
- Desegregation by controlling enrollment is the best option to improve the education of immigrants and Roma segregated in ghettoized schools.
- Roma communities have no interest in education
- Schools in disadvantaged environments cannot perform well
- The Roma community is not interested in their sons and daughters’ studies
- Educational success depends on the socio-economic level of families
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2. Educational success
Scientific evidence
- Lack of mental health increases academic procrastination
- Grade repetition does not contribute to educational success or to the improvement of the educational trajectories of students who repeat grades
- Working on competence, autonomy and relatedness boosts students’ motivation
- Academic achievement implies quality relations
- Self-esteem has a relation with academic performance
- Evidence-based educational policies prevent school dropout and increase educational attainment
- The active participation of families is necessary for a good educational environment
- Play as a learning strategy in early childhood education for the full development of the child
- There are benefits from the involvement of families in learning, effort, and in the high expectations of the students
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- Eating chocolate makes it easier to concentrate
- Education without social skills is inefficient
- The “Learning-Service” programme does not promote learning
- Studying influences being a successful person
- Parental divorce worsens children’s academic performance and learning outcomes
- Big brothers are more intelligent than little brothers
- School absenteeism and delinquency are related
- The quality of education is determined by whether the school is public or private
- Continuous or part-time school day does not explain educational success or failure
- When students work individually, they pay more attention and, therefore, they learn more
- Extended learning time may be exhausting for children and does not improve academic success
- Private education is more efficient than public education
- Learning depends on the different ‘learning styles’ displayed by students
- Students benefit from grade repetition
- Students attend more and learn more when they are quiet
- Children need to get bored and not be stressed
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3. Well-being and overcoming violence
Scientific evidence
- Social movements encourage victims to report sexual violence suffered
- Stress in students is increasing
- The personal undervaluation in the social self-concept can have serious consequences for the personal well-being of the subjects
- Older people have the ability to continue learning and it also helps to improve their health and quality of life
- Authoritative disciplinary practices protect youth involved in bullying at school
- The importance of practicing emotional intelligence at school
- The use of technology and social networks at a young age puts them at a higher risk of suffering violence
- Poor parental relationships in divorce or separation have an impact on children’s well-being
- Contact with nature is beneficial for the psychic and cognitive abilities of children
Needs more evidence
- Children who go to daycare are more sociable than those who don’t
- The UpToYou programme improves coexistence in schools
- Kissing and hugging is emotional education
- Educational institutions can stop sexual abuses
- All children exceptionally gifted have more problems to socialize at school
- Addiction is always hereditary
- Current relationships are short-lived, weak and uncompromising
- Suicide is one of the main causes of death among young people aged 15 to 29 years
- El abuso sexual infantil tiene graves consecuencias psicológicas
- It is better for the development of teens if families reduce their involvement in the school and give kids more space
- The best interventions against violence are based on socio-emotional learning
- Violence has a biological basis
- To avoid conflicts at school, it is better for families not to get too involved
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Scientific controversy
4. Digital contexts, tools and consequences
Scientific evidence
- Dynamic visualizations can enhance learning, especially when they directly depict the topic to be learned and are used over several days or weeks
- Social networks are playing an important role in the dissemination of mathematics’ didactic resources
- Social media can foster access to scientific education for young people
- The digital divide has had a strong impact on education during the COVID-19 pandemic, this situation has affected to a greater extent students with a low socio-economic level and/or living in rural contexts
- High school students lack the maturity to manage how to distinguish fake internet information, what affects their critical capacity
- Violent video games promote violence in children
Needs more evidence
- Technology has improved education
- The application of new techologies in education is factor of inequality in school students
- Digital media abuse hampers children’s attention in schools
- The quarantine of COVID-19 had a negative effect on videogame addiction
- Digital technology and communication must take centre stage in education
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5. Inclusion, special support needs
Scientific evidence
- Physical activity is an alternative to ASD and ADHD medication
- When educational laws do not take into consideration scientific evidence, they do not help teachers in the full development of inclusive education
- Proposals to force “vulnerable” children to spread out create racism and failure, not inclusion
- Interactive groups accelerate learning and promote social cohesion also in secondary education
- Children with autism spectrum disorder benefit from interactive learning environments
- Interactive Learning Environments, favoured by secure relationships and high quality learning, make possible a true inclusion of students with learning disabilities
- School redistribution policies of immigrant students promote xenophobia
- Segregation of students does not lead to educational improvement
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6. Gender and Sex Education
Scientific evidence
- Gender stereotypes in mathematics education is detrimental to female learners but beneficial to male pupils
- Single-Sex schooling doesn’t provide academic benefits compared with coeducational schooling, except when there is a strong preference for single-sex schools
- Sex Education prevents gender violence, while “sex education” increases it
- Educating teens in sexual health prevents many STDs and unwanted pregnancies
- Girls benefit from single-sex physical activity
Needs more evidence
- Pornography influences sex education
- Sex education is talking about sex
- Watching porn at a young age affects their perception of sex
- Gender inequality in mathematical subjects excludes women from developing mathematical degrees.
- Boys are less intelligent than girls because of the type of entertainment they use in their childhood
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7. Subjects
Scientific evidence
- Higher math anxiety is correlated with lower math achievement
- ‘Emergent Reading’ from the first years is a practice that benefits all students
- Children and adolescents enjoy and learn from reading literary classics
- Physical Education in schools has benefits in students
- Participating in interactions in the target language is key to learning that language
- Dialogic Literary Gatherings improve relationships among students
Needs more evidence
- Mathematical creativity in education is useful for better human development
- Young people nowadays have less vocabulary than ever before
- The fact that students work in pairs or small groups does not guarantee successful work in writing
- Writing about science, social studies and mathematics helps students learn content better
8. Teachers
Scientific evidence
- The Dialogical Pedagogical Gatherings are a teacher training format that improves their students’ educational results
- Teacher expectations affect students’ academic performance; high expectations are associated with higher academic performance and low expectations are associated with lower academic performance
- The training of teachers in attention to diversity is necessary and essential to achieve the inclusion of all students
- Teachers expectations influence educational achievement
- Dialogic learning is a scientific approach compatible with very diverse methodologies
- Belief in the Learning Styles Myth may be detrimental
- Dialogic teaching and learning provide effective pedagogical responses to all students
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Scientific controversy
9. Theoretical and scientific background
Scientific evidence
- Mathematics education has positive effects on cognitive abilities and brain development (and no such education has contrary effects)
- Citizens’ voices are key in scientific research with social impact
- Every citizen is important for the co-creation of scientific knowledge and assessing its social impact
- Freire’s dialogic perspective contributes to improving school achievements in subjects, values, emotions and sentiments
- Althusser and Bourdieu’s reproduction model has been scientifically and socially overcome
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