Wednesday, Apr 26 2023

Educational institutions can stop sexual abuses

Original posted by claudiamasia02

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Scientific Articles

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Schools have a great influence when it comes to preventing sexual abuse of minors, since they have different resources at their disposal to prevent said abuse, such as prevention programs. After the study on the effectiveness of the “Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse” program at the University of Salamanca (Spain), the results indicate that this has a very positive and significant impact for minors, since it increases their knowledge, awareness and perception about this type of risk, and in turn improves their own response capacity and skills to deal with a possible situation of sexual abuse.

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Schools have a great influence when it comes to preventing sexual abuse of minors, since they have different resources at their disposal to prevent said abuse, such as prevention programs. After the study on the effectiveness of the “Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse” program at the University of Salamanca (Spain), the results indicate that this has a very positive and significant impact for minors, since it increases their knowledge, awareness and perception about this type of risk, and in turn improves their own response capacity and skills to deal with a possible situation of sexual abuse.

1 Comment

  1. The school is the central and primordial nucleus of education; therefore, it can be the place where sexual abuse can be prevented and stopped.

    A study examined how an educational activity (musical performance) by a group of students in a high school drama class contributed to the normalization of sexist and macho behavior in the student body. In addition, the article highlights that there are subsequent studies related to the socialization of gender equality and the prevention of sexual abuse in educational institutions and that these have focused on how adult intervention can prevent or stop gender-based violence and, therefore, sexual abuse.

    Likewise, another study on an interdisciplinary university curriculum focused on sexualized violence in educational institutions and clinics showed that universities can play a crucial role in preventing sexual abuse. Despite being a taboo subject in many German universities, the study shows that addressing it directly and systematically through education can have significant positive results.

    The curriculum (which included seminars on sexualized violence, socialization and sex education, among others) yielded results that showed that students experienced significant improvements in several key aspects: their knowledge and awareness of sexualized violence increased, and they reported greater confidence in their abilities to handle these situations professionally. Thus, the curriculum not only increased theoretical knowledge, but also provided them with practical skills.

    In conclusion, both studies support the idea that educational institutions can stop sexual abuse by implementing effective educational programs on sexualized violence.

    Schick, L. “Hit Me Baby”: From Britney Spears to the socialization of girls’ sexual objectification in a high school drama program. Sexuality and Culture 18, 39-55 (2014).

    Stück, E., Wazlawik, M., Stehr, J. et al. Teaching about sexual violence in educational institutions and clinics: Evaluation of an interdisciplinary university curriculum.Sex Politics, 17, 700-710 (2020).

    By: Lisbeth Toaza y Alexia Para

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