Tuesday, Mar 21 2023

Technology has improved education

Original posted by sergiorota_

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Scientific Articles

Explanation of the Post

For centuries education was based on rudimentary learning techniques where the most influential factor was the blackboard and the notebook together with the hierarchical attitude of the teachers, causing fear and little motivation to learn. Fortunately, this fact has changed noticeably for better, as can be seen in the aforementioned scientific articles.

It is worth noting the importance that technological advances have had in recent decades to achieve this improvement in education. This advance has brought us new learning techniques such as digital whiteboards, the use of computers, laptops or tablets in the classroom to the point of being able to evaluate through these, thus favoring not using so much paper and therefore reducing the excessive consumption of paper.

Thanks to the introduction of all these improvements caused by technology, learning is much more didactic and interactive, making learning more enjoyable and entertaining. In addition, if we add the improvements in the attitudes of the teachers where there are fewer and fewer attitudes of superiority towards the student, everything adds up to a much better quality education, with the hope that over time it will be impeccable.


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Arnau Vázquez and Sergio Rodríguez

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