Theme: Subjects
Sunday, Sep 27 2020

Participating in interactions in the target language is key to learning that language

Original posted by Harkaitz Zubiri

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Scientific Articles

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There is ample evidence that demonstrate that participating in interactions in the target language is key to learning that language.

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  1. Daily life evidence: Children who have come to our school without knowing how to speak any of the official languages ​​or none of them, have learned the language thanks to the contact, the coexistence and dialogues with the rest of their classmates in as much time and spaces as possible, with the greatest possible number of people.

  2. Creiem que per aprendre un idioma es molt important interaccionar amb aquest. Un exemple molt clar, seria el fet d’aprendre a anar en bicicleta. A tu et poden explicar com es el procés però si no t’hi montes mai sabràs anar en bicicleta. Passa el mateix amb els idiomes. Si no fas l’esforç de parlar en l’idioma que vols aprendre, mai aprendràs.

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