Sex Education prevents gender violence, while “sex education” increases it
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Scientific Articles
- Puigvert, L., Gelsthorpe, L., Soler-Gallart, M., & Flecha, R. (2019). Girls’ perceptions of boys with violent attitudes and behaviours, and of sexual attraction. Palgrave Communications, 5(1), 1-12. |
- Racionero-Plaza, S., Ugalde-Lujambio, L., Puigvert, L., & Aiello, E. (2018). Reconstruction of autobiographical memories of violent sexual-affective relationships through scientific reading on love: A psycho-educational intervention to prevent gender violence. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1996.
- Racionero-Plaza, S., Duque, E., Padrós, M., & Molina Roldán, S. (2021). “Your Friends Do Matter”: Peer Group Talk in Adolescence and Gender Violence Victimization. Children, 8(2), 65.
- Villarejo-Carballido, B., Pulido, C. M., Zubiri-Esnaola, H., & Oliver, E. (2022). Young People’s Voices and Science for Overcoming Toxic Relationships Represented in Sex Education. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), 3316.
- Ruiz-Eugenio, L., Racionero-Plaza, S., Duque, E., & Puigvert, L. (2020). Female university students’ preferences for different types of sexual relationships: implications for gender-based violence prevention programs and policies. BMC women’s health, 20(1), 1-13.
Explanation of the Post
Sex Education prevents gender violence when solid research to back them up. Failure to do so introduces serious errors in the sexuality education of children, young people and adults. For example:
Research has shown the common error in “sex education” of placing the danger of sexual violence in stable relationships while omitting that there is even more danger in sporadic relationships. The research shows that it is essential to educate in making visible and confronting the coercive discourse present in diverse social contexts, which leads to violent relationships.
There is consensus that Sex Education produces results that are promoted together with the educational community and the immediate context, promoting the rooting and transformation of community values.
Sex Education that succeeds in preventing gender violence reflects on and deepens feelings, especially friendship and love. Failure to do so exposes girls and boys to more violent and Disdainful Hook-Ups
Research has identified a significant component leading to gender violence, a dominant socialisation process that associates attractiveness (those who are most liked) with men who display violent behaviours and attitudes. In contrast, egalitarian and non-violent men are emptied of attractiveness. Sex education that detracts from the attractiveness of egalitarian and non-violent men impacts an increase in gender-based violence.
Other sources
- Crooks, C. V., Jaffe, P., Dunlop, C., Kerry, A., & Exner-Cortens, D. (2018). Preventing Gender-Based Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Lessons From 25 Years of Program Development and Evaluation. Violence Against Women.
- Makleff, S., Garduño, J., Zavala, R. I., Barindelli, F., Valades, J., Billowitz, M., … & Marston, C. (2020). Preventing intimate partner violence among young people—a qualitative study examining the role of comprehensive sexuality education. Sexuality research and social policy, 17(2), 314-325.
- White, J. W., Sienkiewicz, H. C., & Smith, P. H. (2018). Envisioning Future Directions: Conversations With Leaders in Domestic and Sexual Assault Advocacy, Policy, Service, and Research. Violence Against Women.
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From my point of view, giving sex education at early ages would help prevent and decrease gender violence in the future, since this type of education is not only based on sexuality, but also expresses equality between men and women as people, teaches different values, and to validate all kinds of feelings regardless of sex.
In addition, it is important to give a complete and truthful sexual education because there are multiple sources that transmit false expectations and beliefs of what a sexual relationship really is, and they are the basis of the huge problem we have today. By implementing this teaching we can ensure that in the future it will no longer be a taboo subject and transmit enough confidence for children and adolescents to ask questions and be properly informed.
Firstly, in my view, sexual education is a type of learning that should be compulsory in all schools. Firstly, because the child education stage, for example, is one of the periods of the child’s greatest development and therefore a stage in which children should be trained, through activities adapted to their abilities, on sexual education. For example, Taman Kanak Kanak Islam Terpadu Adzkia Padang through adaptation programs in daily activities has implemented sexual education. In addition, bringing sexual education to school can help children and adolescents to adopt healthier and more positive attitudes and behaviour in this area. On the other hand, it is also important to investigate in those sporadic relationships which, as we are told in the article, are the ones who are most sexually endangered, whether by violent, misogynistic attitudes, among others. It is important to give a voice to this kind of relationship as well. Finally, we are also told in the investigation of a significant component such as that of attraction, men who are more violent are the most attractive but those who are not, are not attractive at all. This paradigm needs to be reversed in order to prevent an increase in violence.
To highlight this statement about sexual education, I provide these three readings that reinforce the importance of sexual education to end the idealization of toxic behaviors as something attractive and to be able to prevent gender violence.
In those readings we can see how in adolescence these toxic traits are perpetuated as attractive and then can trigger gender violence, so that this doesn’t happen it is essential to provide sexual education since scholarship.
Sofia Narváez, Andrea Figueras, Sheila Tejedera y Sofia Mora.
Estando de acuerdo con lo expuesto en el artículo anterior cabe destacar la importancia y fuerza de la educación sexual en una edad temprana para así poder adquirir desde un inicio todos sus beneficios. Gracias a ella podemos tener un buen conocimiento sobre nosotros mismos y aprender a valorar y respetar nuestro cuerpo y el de los demás.
También, nos permite eliminar la normalización que se ha establecido entre la violencia y el atractivo, este discurso coercitivo del que nos hablaba la autora. Ya que actualmente vivimos tiempos donde se romantiza esta actitudes agresivas, sexistas y desiguales.
En conclusión, creemos que seria de gran ayuda incluir la educación sexual dentro del currículo educativo.
En primer lugar, decir que estamos de acuerdo con que exista educación sexual en todas las etapas vitales de la educación del individuo. Como bien se comenta en los artículos aquí encontrados, podemos observar que existen beneficios cuando se imparte educación sexual desde edades tempranas en la escuela.
Cabe destacar la importancia de la educación sexual debido al aumento del consumo de la pornografía en edades tempranas. En la pornografía podemos encontrar conductas abusivas e irreales sobre la sexualidad que crean confusión el individuo así como conductas negativas y violentas. Dichos efectos se traducen en la reproducción de comportamientos sexistas que van calando en el individuo aunque él no lo crea, formando una sexualidad dañina tanto para uno mismo como para los demás.
Por ejemplo, en el contexto español vemos como dicha cuestión está avanzando en materia política y educativa, mientras que en otros países la educación sexual queda pendiente en el ámbito escolar.
En conclusión, a pesar de que España está tomando buen camino, todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer y hay que darle más importancia a la educación sexual.