It is important to work on values and feelings from childhood
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Scientific Articles
- Rios-Gonzalez, O., Puigvert Mallart, L., Sanvicén Torné, P., & Aubert Simón, A. (2019). Promoting zero violence from early childhood: a case study on the prevention of aggressive behavior in Cappont Nursery. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(2), 157-169.
- Bolotta, G., & Devine, D. (2022). Contested futures: The ‘humanitarian value’of childhood in rural Sierra Leone. Current Sociology, 70(4), 557-577.
- Rouse, E., & Hadley, F. (2018). Where did love and care get lost? Educators and parents’ perceptions of early childhood practice. International Journal of Early Years Education, 26(2), 159-172.
- Berlin, L. J. (2021). The value added of attachment theory, research, and intervention for US child care and early childhood education: Reflecting and carrying forward the legacy of Edward Zigler. Development and Psychopathology, 33(2), 545-553.
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As Rouse and Hardley(2018) say the word LOVE is very unusual to be pronounced in the learning process of children during childhood since it is not given the value or importance to its development.
Certainly, there is an advance where education is being introduced in the classroom through families, friendships and the feelings that children create in these areas, thus creating a barrier of strong values to be able to prepare you for the day after facing any situation that life puts you in the way, thus reaching both positive and negative aspects, and thanks to this prepare you both psychologically and physically to adversities that today some adolescents have not been prepared and the relevant help is requested to cope.
It is important to work on this issue since children are very young because it is stimulated from very early to be educated with values such as love, affection and other virtues in the future to know how to carry and cope with life situations which in previous generations we have not been prepared psychologically.
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Considero que no se le da la importancia necesaria al tema de los valores y las emociones. El cómo una persona gestiona sus emociones no es algo que nos enseñen desde pequeños, sino que cada uno aprende a lo largo de su vida y muchas veces no sabemos cómo hacerlo y acabamos necesitando ayuda psicológica. Desde mi punto de vista, aprender desde bien pequeños es la base para tener una salud mental i física en buen estado, ya que si en la infancia te ayudan a llevar tus emociones, en un futuro sabrás como gestionarlas y no se convertirá en un problema mayor. Desde mi experiencia, si en la infancia me hubiesen enseñado a gestionar las emociones y a diferenciarlas, probablemente mi adolescencia habría sido mucho más fácil y llevadera a nivel psicológico y emocional. Ya no solo es importante el hecho de que se enseñe en las escuelas, sino que las familias podrían aportar una enseñanza en casa.
The previous article presents the importance of emotional education from early childhood ages. As it explains, there is an improvement in this subject in comparison to previous generations, however there is still a long way to go and there is a need to involve in schools new methods and practices for children to develop their affective capacities.
According to the article by Oriol Rios-Gonzalez, Lidia Puigvert, Paquita Sanvicén & Adriana Aubert Simón “Promoting zero violence from early childhood: a case study on the prevention of aggressive behavior in Cappont Nursery”, the attitudes of the most problematic and violent children are due to a lack of attention and affection from the closest people to them.
So, if affection among classmates and teachers, self-knowledge of emotions and projects to deal with these emotions are cultivated in schools, consequently there will be a more welcoming and familiar working environment in the classroom.
The statement “it is important to work on values and feelings from childhood” finds scientific backing from the numerous studies that have supported with evidence the positive social impact of educating feelings from the earliest childhood.
I propose some contributions that argue this statement, and that show the improvements produced by working feelings and values on the students’, even the educational community’s coexistence and well-being. For instance, in Khalfaoui et al. (2021), they study how dialogical literary gatherings allow children to explore and discuss values and feelings based on classical readings and how they relate this to their daily lives, offering them the opportunity to improve their emotional and social awareness with a very positive impact on their own lives. In terms of students with functional diversity, scientific evidence also demonstrates the potential of social-emotional learning. For example, the article by Cavioni et al. (2017) demonstrated the benefits of working values and feelings in students with learning disabilities and its power in the effective inclusion of these students. Even in socially extreme moments, such as the covid pandemic, it has been demonstrated the potential of actions such as the aforementioned dialogic gatherings that work on feelings and values, showing a significant impact on improving the well-being of the participating children and their families (Ruiz-Eugenio et al., 2020).
These are just some of the examples that support this claim, also backed by the NESET analytical report “Strengthening Social and Emotional Education as a core curricular area across the EU” (Cefai et al., 2017), which calls for work across the world that increasingly focuses on social and emotional education for all, enabling safe spaces for coexistence and interaction that impact on academic performance.
Cavioni, V., Grazzani, I., & Ornaghi, V. (2017). Social and emotional learning for children with Learning Disability: Implications for inclusion. International journal of emotional education., 9(2), 100-109.
Cefai, C., Bartolo, P. A., Cavioni, V., & Downes, P. (2017). Strengthening social and emotional education as a core curricular area across the EU: A review of the international evidence. NESET PPMI
Khalfaoui-Larrañaga, A., Alvarez, P., Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., & Flecha, R. (2021). “I Also Like it that People Care about Me.” Children’s Dialogues on Values, Emotions and Feelings in Dialogic Literary Gatherings. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-15.
Ruiz-Eugenio, L., Roca-Campos, E., León-Jiménez, S., & Ramis-Salas, M. (2020). Child well-being in times of confinement: the impact of dialogic literary gatherings transferred to homes. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 567449.
Estoy de acuerdo con la idea de la necesidad del trabajo de valores y habilidades emocionales desde la infancia. No creo que la educación tenga que tratarse sólo de trasmitir conocimientos académicos, si no también de ayudar a los niños a convertirse en personas responsables y éticas.
Aunque la responsabilidad de la educación de los niños cae mayoritariamente en los padres, la escuela también puede contribuir a ello ya que es un lugar donde pasan una cantidad significativa de tiempo y donde interactúan más los unos con los otros. Considero que a través de programas educativos que fomenten la empatía, la comunicación efectiva y sobre todo el respeto hacia los demás, podrán adquirir herramientas importantes para su desarrollo personal y social.
Enseñando estos valores se contribuirá a la creación de una sociedad más equitativa y respetuosa en un futuro. En definitiva, la escuela no solo tiene el deber de formar a médicos, profesores, geólogos, abogados, o empresarios por ejemplo, deben enseñar junto con la colaboración de madres y padres estos valores para así fortalecer esta enseñanza desde la infancia.