The personal undervaluation in the social self-concept can have serious consequences for the personal well-being of the subjects
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Scientific Articles
- von Soest, T., Wichstrøm, L., & Kvalem, I. L. (2016). The development of global and domain-specific self-esteem from age 13 to 31. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(4), 592.
- Creemers, D., Scholte, R., Engels, R., Prinstein, M., & Wiers, R. W. (2013). Damaged self-esteem is associated with internalizing problems. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 152.
- Erdvik, I. B., Haugen, T., Ivarsson, A., & Säfvenbom, R. (2020). Global self-worth among adolescents: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction in physical education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(5), 768-781.
Explanation of the Post
Global self-esteem is often conceptualized as an individual’s general attitude toward self-evaluation, reflecting people’s beliefs about their value as persons and whether they are worthy of respect. Self-esteem develops in the interaction between individuals and the many environments in which people participate in daily life. Self-esteem is defined as a relatively automatic, overlearned, and unconscious self-evaluation that guides spontaneous relationships and self-related stimuli. Self-esteem is a complex and multidimensional structure. Personal undervaluation in social self-concept can have serious consequences for the personal well-being of subjects. This has been associated with happiness and has been identified as inversely related to depressive symptoms, reduced physical health, eating pathology and suicide risk.
Schools should analyze the health situation in the center, which is a prior step for any health education and health promotion intervention. It is essential to start from a global conception of health and to recognize the competence of all members of the educational community when defining problems and priorities. Some significant aspects to take into account when contextualizing health in the educational center are relations in the school community, promotion of personal development and self-esteem.
Health aspects should be integrated into three basic dimensions: personal (self-esteem, self-concept, self-care), relational and environmental.
Likewise, children with low self-esteem do not show good academic performance because they do not feel inferior to their peers and cannot develop their talents and skills because their insecurities are very high, which prevents them from discovering and developing themselves and their abilities.
Other sources
- Vallés Arándiga, A., Olivares Rodríguez, J., & Rosa Alcázar, A. I. (2014). Competencia social y autoestima en adolescentes con fobia social. Liberabit, 20(1), 41-53.
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The personal undervaluation in the social self-concept can have serious consequences for the personal well-being of the subjects.
Global self-esteem is often conceptualized as an individual’s general attitude toward self-evaluation, reflecting people’s beliefs about their value as persons and whether they are worthy of respect. Self-esteem develops in the interaction between individuals and the many environments in which people participate in daily life. Self-esteem is defined as a relatively automatic, overlearned, and unconscious self-evaluation that guides spontaneous relationships and self-related stimuli. Self-esteem is a complex and multidimensional structure. Personal undervaluation in social self-concept can have serious consequences for the personal well-being of subjects. This has been associated with happiness and has been identified as inversely related to depressive symptoms, reduced physical health, eating pathology and suicide risk.
Schools should analyze the health situation in the center, which is a prior step for any health education and health promotion intervention. It is essential to start from a global conception of health and to recognize the competence of all members of the educational community when defining problems and priorities. Some significant aspects to take into account when contextualizing health in the educational center are relations in the school community, promotion of personal development and self-esteem.
Health aspects should be integrated into three basic dimensions: personal (self-esteem, self-concept, self-care), relational and environmental.
Likewise, children with low self-esteem do not show good academic performance because they do not feel inferior to their peers and cannot develop their talents and skills because their insecurities are very high, which prevents them from discovering and developing themselves and their abilities.
La infravaloración personal en el autoconcepto social puede tener graves consecuencias para el bienestar personal de los sujetos.
La autoestima global a menudo se conceptualiza como la actitud general de un individuo hacia la autoevaluación, que refleja las creencias de las personas sobre su valor como personas y si son dignos de respeto. La autoestima se desarrolla en la interacción entre los individuos y los muchos entornos en los que las personas participan en la vida diaria. La autoestima se define como una autoevaluación relativamente automática, sobre aprendida e inconsciente que orienta las relaciones espontáneas y los estímulos relacionados con uno mismo. La autoestima es una estructura compleja y multidimensional. La infravaloración personal en el autoconcepto social puede tener graves consecuencias para el bienestar personal de los sujetos. Esto se ha asociado con felicidad y se ha identificado como inversamente relacionado con los síntomas depresivos, reducción de la salud física, patología alimentaria y riesgo de suicidio.
Los centros docentes deberían de analizar la situación de salud en el centro, siendo un paso previo para cualquier intervención de educación sanitaria y promoción de la salud. Es imprescindible partir de una concepción global de salud y reconocer la competencia de todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa a la hora de definir problemas y prioridades. Algunos aspectos significativos para tener en cuenta a la hora de contextualizar la salud en el centro docente son las relaciones en la comunidad escolar, fomento del desarrollo personal y de la autoestima.
Se deberá de integrar los aspectos de salud en tres dimensiones básicas: la personal (autoestima, autoconcepto, autocuidados), la relacional y el entorno.
Asimismo, los niños con baja autoestima no muestran un buen rendimiento académico porque no se sienten inferiores a sus compañeros y no pueden desarrollar sus talentos y habilidades porque sus inseguridades son muy altas, lo que les impide descubrir y desarrollarse por sí mismos, así como sus habilidades
von Soest, T., Wichstrøm, L., & Kvalem, I. L. (2016). The development of global and domain-specific self-esteem from age 13 to 31. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(4), 592.
Vallés Arándiga, A., Olivares Rodríguez, J., & Rosa Alcázar, A. I. (2014). Competencia social y autoestima en adolescentes con fobia social. Liberabit, 20(1), 41-53.
Creemers, D., Scholte, R., Engels, R., Prinstein, M., & Wiers, R. W. (2013). Damaged self-esteem is associated with internalizing problems. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 152.
Erdvik, I. B., Haugen, T., Ivarsson, A., & Säfvenbom, R. (2020). Global self-worth among adolescents: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction in physical education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 64(5), 768-781.