Friday, Feb 24 2023

It is better for the development of teens if families reduce their involvement in the school and give kids more space

Original posted by Pili

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Scientific Articles

  • Gatt, S., Ojala, M., & Soler, M. (2011). Promoting social inclusion counting with everyone: Learning Communities and INCLUD‐ED. International Studies in Sociology of Education21(1), 33-47.
  • Li, H., Martin, A., Armstrong, D., & Walker, R. (2011). Risk, protection, and resilience in Chinese adolescents: A psycho-social study. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14(4), 269-282.
  • Morales Castillo, M. (2021) Family Contributions to School Performance of Adolescents: The Role of Fathers’ Perceived Involvement. Journal of family issues, 43(3).
  • Richins, L. G., Hansen-Thomas, H., Lozada, V., South, S., & Stewart, M. A.(2021). Understanding the power of Latinx families to support the academic and personal development of their children. Bilingual Research Journal, 44(3), 381-400.
  • Sheldon, S. B., & Epstein, J. L. (2002). Improving student behavior and school discipline with family and community involvement. Education and urban society35(1), 4-26.

Explanation of the Post

Cognitive and social development of adolescents requires from them to begin to make their own decisions, as well as gain independence and autonomy.

Knowing this may sometimes lead some families to separate from their children’s high school at such a crucial time as adolescence. It is also common for some adolescents to show some reluctance to the presence of their families in public spaces where they are with their peers.

However, the evidence seems to indicate that the involvement of families is also relevant in the secondary education stages and that adolescents benefit from the educational participation of their families and other people in their context, and that the presence and participation of families strengthens family and friendship positive ties.

Other sources

  • Martínez, S. D. (2010). La Educación, cosa de dos: La escuela y la familia. Revista digital para profesionales de la enseñanza1(8), 1-15.

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1 Comment

  1. Como voluntarias de una comunidad educativa de actuaciones educativas de éxito, consideramos que es muy beneficioso a nivel educativo, social y afectivo, la participación las familias en las aulas.
    Mejor convivencia en las casas.
    Y el contexto es primordial, pues no hay tanta subjetividad.
    Te permite entender muchas situaciones que viven nuestros hijos/as, porque conoces personalmente a la clase.
    Nuestros hijos/as ven formas solidarias cotidianas con nuestra participación en el aula.

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