Zero violence since early childhood prevents violence along children’s lives
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Scientific Articles
- Oliver, E. (2014). Zero Violence Since Early Childhood: The Dialogic Recreation of Knowledge. Qualitative Inquiry, 20(7), 902–908.
- Roca-Campos, E., Duque, E., Ríos, O., & Ramis-Salas, M. (2021). The Zero Violence Brave Club: a successful intervention to prevent and address bullying in schools. Frontiers in psychiatry, 855. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.601424
- Duque, E., Carbonell, S., De Botton, L., & Roca-Campos, E. (2021). Creating learning environments free of violence in special education through the dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts. Frontiers in psychology, 820. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.662831
- Rios-Gonzalez, O., Puigvert Mallart, L., Sanvicén Torné, P., & Aubert Simón, A. (2019). Promoting zero violence from early childhood: a case study on the prevention of aggressive behavior in Cappont Nursery. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(2), 157-169, DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2019.1579544
- Flecha, R., Puigvert, L., & Ríos, O. (2013). The New Alternative Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88-113. doi:10.4471/rimcis.2013.14
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In contrast to what is commonly stated: that violence is first presented at primary and secondary educational stages; it is known and proven by scientific evidence that violence and bullying among children can be seen since early childhood. What is even worse is that those denying violence in early childhood frequently refer to violent behaviours among children in terms of “natural developmental stages” due to the lack of language abilities.
This belief among caregivers can have devastating consequences in children’s education. Therefore, teachers and caregivers must be trained in scientific evidence around violence prevention since early childhood in order to contribute to violence eradication at schools and society.
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I wanted to highlight the relevance of promoting zero violence environments from the early childhood in schools. The evidence shows that one of the keys to achieve this is the dialogical training of teachers based on scientific evidence.
Hi! I have observed 3-6 year-old children as a teacher, as an older cousin and as a dining room assistant, and some kids do have aggressive and violent attitudes towards others. But not all of them, of course. This debunks the idea that it is a natural developmental stage of growth. Their behaviors could be from calling another classmate “stupid” to hitting, but all are forms of violence. I desire Zero violence spaces for children, it is for their own good, for all of them. For this dream to be realized, educational communities can use evidence-based strategies like the “Brave’s Club”:
Scientific findings highlight the impact that some children’s peer relationships have in aggressive behaviours in early childhood and consequently, it is stressed that the earlier it is intervened in front of aggressive attitudes, the greater the possibility to improve children’s behaviours. From these scientific evidences it is stressed the need to inform early education centers of those successful programs which have reduced aggression and promote friendship in children since early ages.
An intervention for relational and physical aggression in early childhood: A preliminary study – ScienceDirect
Desde mi punto de vista esta esto es cierto, debido a que si desde el inició del desarrollo de un niño o niña le inculcamos valores relacionados con el respeto y la no violencia este crecerá en base a estos. Además con esto erradicaremos el bullying desde la raíz del problema, que son estas etapas de crecimiento de los niños donde debemos crear unas bases sobre las que este individuo crezca i estas serán clave en la persona en la que se va a convertir en un futuro. Si les enseñamos que la violencia, el maltrato, las peleas, las faltas de respeto… son valores negativos, estos los rechazaran mientras estos crezcan y podrán crear una comunidad más unida y respetuosa. Erradicar los irrespetuosos y malos comportamientos debería ser un objetivo para todas las escuelas y sociedades.
From my experience as an older cousin, I have been able to observe how some of my cousins from a young age were violent or aggressive with their classmates, friends or family.
When you are little, or even not so little, your role models are your parents, and the behavior your parents have at home is what you will possibly apply in your day to day life. If your parents spend the day yelling at each other, using aggression to punish you, among other things, that may be reflected in your behavior outside the home. But if your parents use other non-violent methods, children will not behave as aggressively or violently and this will prevent violence in the future.
Desde mi punto de vista y desde mi experiencia personal, la afirmación de este post es totalmente cierta. Varios de mis compañeros de clase, desde bien pequeños, con tan solo 3 o 4 años, ya eran violentos con todas las personas de su entorno (pegaban, insultaban…), ya fuese compañeros de clase, profesores, amigos o familiares (primos, tíos, abuelos…). Eso era debido a que su entorno no era el más adecuado, ya que sus padres siempre estaban gritando o peleando, daba igual el lugar y las personas que estaban a si alrededor. Entonces, a raíz de eso, el niño o la niña, tenía el mismo carácter y hacía lo mismo que sus padres. Y hoy en día, estos compañeros siguen con el mismo carácter o peor.
Con este ejemplo, se demuestra que si desde bien pequeños nuestros referentes y nuestros ejemplos a seguir nos inculcan y nos enseñan comportamientos negativos y violentos, serán así siempre durante el resto de nuestras vidas, ya que en nuestra primera infancia, somos como esponjas: absorbemos todo lo que vemos y escuchamos de nuestros referentes que casi siempre son nuestros progenitores, tanto lo positivo como lo negativo.
Por lo contrario, si desde el primer momento, al infante se le enseña un carácter positivo, donde nos inculque la violencia y sí la paz y el respeto, crecerá en un ambiente mejor y mucho más positivo para su futuro próximo.
Two successful educational actions (SEA) that are being carried out in many schools with wonderful results are “The Zero Violence Brave Club” and “Dialogic Model of Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts”. These SEAs are also proving to be successful for students with special educational needs.
Roca-Campos E, Duque E, Ríos O and Ramis-Salas M (2021) The Zero Violence Brave Club: A Successful Intervention to Prevent and Address Bullying in Schools. Front. Psychiatry :601424. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.601424
Duque E, Carbonell S, de Botton L and Roca-Campos E (2021) Creating Learning Environments Free of Violence in Special Education Through the Dialogic Model of Prevention andResolution of Conflicts.
Front. Psychol. 12:662831.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.662831
In order to move towards the prevention of violence, it is vital that schools, from the earliest ages, implement actions that have scientific evidences and that contribute to not trivializing violence, to build relationships from 0 years of age that protect them from future violent relationships and to value relationships based on the best feelings and solidarity.
Many schools are already introducing education in the New Alternative Masculinities that have security, that show courage to take a stand and that reject violence, at the same time that they show solidarity and take care of their relationships by valuing the best feelings of friendship, love and freedom.
This approach provides an alternative for children to help improve the situation of their peers, while at the same time having more social value.
Flecha, R., Puigvert, L., & Ríos, O. (2013). The New Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88-113 doi:10.4471/rimcis.2013.14
La violència es dona des d’una etapa primerenca, i això no hauria de ser així, és més, la violència hauria de desaparèixer de les nostres vides. Penso que la causa de què alguns nens/es siguin violents/es a la seva primera etapa és gràcies als valors que han rebut tant dins com fora de casa, i això s’hauria de canviar, s’hauria d’estudiar la manera de poder solucionar la violència a la societat en la qual vivim, ja que els infants són un mirall de la realitat. En la meva experiència professional d’entrenadora de vòlei amb un grup de 5 a 10 anys i a un esplai, he observat que hi ha alguns infants que sigui verbalment o físicament utilitzen la violència en situacions que podrien ser solucionades amb mediació. S’hauria d’inculcar des d’un bon inici que la violència no aporta cap bé i que els conflictes es poden solucionar de diferents maneres sense haver d’ofendre ni fer mal a ningú. Així doncs, si des d’un bon principi la violència no apareix en les vides dels infants, més endavant ells seguiran sense utilitzar-la i, per tant, la societat canviarà cap a millor.
Hi! In my opinion, and as it can be seen in several articles, children who have been educated in zero violence since early childhood are less likely to show aggressive behaviors during their adolescence. This is because children are very sensitive about what they experience, and learn so easily: if they are exposed to violence in early ages, they normalize that violence and will probably reproduce that when they grow up.
As the article says, the teacher has a very important role to prevent these cases: it has to observe and act when it considers that it’s the right time to do it. He or she has to be aware as soon as a child shows any symbol of violence, so that it can be corrected in time.
Article: Oriol Rios-Gonzalez, Lidia Puigvert Mallart, Paquita Sanvicén Torné & Adriana Aubert Simón (2019): Promoting zero violence from early childhood: a case study on the prevention of aggressive behavior in Cappont Nursery, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2019.1579544
Los niños y niñas pequeños son altamente sensibles ante los actos de violencia de su entorno. Cada vez se producen a edades más tempranas y esto afecta al individuo en todo su proceso de desarrollo. La exposición a la violencia desde una corta edad afecta al cerebro y al desarrollo de las capacidades emocionales y cognitivas del niño/a.
Creo que también es posible que pueda afectar a sus niveles de socialización, un niño/a que sufre violencia desde pequeño será más propenso a ser más cerrado, es decir, no estará tan abierto a conocer gente y a dejarse conocer, ya sea por miedo u otros factores.
Por otra parte, es posible que los niños normalicen esa violencia aplicada en ellos y lleguen a mostrar conductas agresivas a iguales o adultos.
Desde mi opinión creo que los docentes también formamos parte de la educación moral de nuestros alumnos, así que desde las escuelas se tendrían que inculcar y mostrar buenos valores para que los niños los adapten a su realidad y así poder evitar conflictos.
Coincidiendo con el comentario, creo que los maestros deberían formarse de la mejor manera posible con el objetivo de eliminar esta violencia que se da actualmente en nuestras aulas.
From our point of view and from our personal experience, the statement in this post is completely true. Several of our classmates, from a very young age, when they were only 3 to 4 years old, were already violent with everyone around them (they hit, insulted…), whether they were classmates, teachers, friends or relatives ( cousins, uncles, grandparents…). That was because their environment was not the most suitable, since their parents were always yelling or fighting, no matter the place and the people around them. So, as a result of that, the boy or girl had the same character and did the same as their parents. And today, these companions continue with the same character or worse. childhood violence lives View Po 6 X With this example, it is shown that if from a very young age our references and our examples to follow instill in us and teach us negative and violent behaviors, they will always be like this for the rest of our lives, since in our early childhood, we are like sponges: we absorb everything we see and hear from our referents who are almost always our parents, both the positive and the negative. On the contrary, if from the first moment, the infant is taught a positive character, where violence is instilled in us and peace and respect, he will grow up in a better and much more positive environment for his near future.