Tuesday, Oct 27 2020

Aggressors who exercise violence are impopular

Original posted by Esther Roca

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Scientific Articles


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It is a common conception that violent aggressors are usually anxious and insecure people that make use of the school harassment or bullying in order to compensate for their low self-esteem.

However, there are studies that found that aggressive students can be among the most popular in primary classrooms. These students are highly considered by their peers and teachers for their social attraction.

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    While it is true that aggressive students have usually been found among the most popular in schools, there are also studies which focused on funding ways to prevent this reality and socialize youth in a way to prevent this from happing. This is known as preventive socialization.
    The article below recognizes that attraction to violent behavior might be a cause of GBV. Thus, aiming at highlighting effective actions which may contribute to preventing young girls and women from becoming victims, the authors present a quasi-experimental research project ‘Free Teen Desire’ (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant, 2015–2016, No 659299) in which a survey have been conducted on 100 female adolescents (aged 13–16) in different European secondary schools. The research analyzed those female’s patterns of attraction for both ‘hooking up’ and stable relationships towards boys with either violent attitudes or boys with non-violent behavior. From the results, it can be concluded that boys with violent attitudes and behaviors are mostly preferred for hooking up and boys with non-violent traits are mostly preferred for stable relationships. This research marks the existence of a coercive dominant discourse that associates attraction with violence and influences the young girls’ socialization processes.
    This relevance on socialization towards violent or non-violent boys open the door to implement effective actions in schools and educational environments in order to guide attractions patterns and socialization towards free desire meaning free relationships later in life.



    I have also heard this idea many times, but numerous evidence has pointed out that children with aggressive behaviors attract the attention of their peers and teachers (Valls, Puigvert & Duque, 2008). Moreover, other research has shown that those children can have a high social status (Boivin, Vitaro & Poulin, 2005) and a social circle of peers who are attracted to their power (Mayes & Cohen, 2002).

    Furthermore, scientific literature in this field has evidenced that there is a type of socialization that links violence and attraction (Gómez, 2015), and that this socialization process starts at early ages, when children with violent attitudes are the most valued.



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