Theme: Feminism
Sunday, Sep 27 2020

Dialogic Feminist Gatherings have an impact on reduction and prevention of Gender-Based Violence among adolescent girls

Original posted by Paula Cañaveras

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Scientific Articles

  • Salceda, M., Vidu, A., Aubert, A., & Roca, E. (2020). Dialogic Feminist Gatherings: Impact of the Preventive Socialization of Gender-Based Violence on Adolescent Girls in Out-of-Home Care. Social Sciences9(8), 138.

  • Puigvert, L. (2016). Female university students respond to gender violence through dialogic feminist gatherings. RIMCIS-International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 183-203. doi: 10.17583/rimcis.2016.2118

  • Racionero-Plaza, S; Ugalde-Lujambio, L; Puigvert, L; Aiello, E. (2018) Reconstruction of Autobiographical Memories of Violent Sexual-Affective Relationships Through Scientific Reading on Love: A Psycho-Educational Intervention to Prevent Gender Violence. Frontiers Psychology.
  • De Mello, R. R., Soler-Gallart, M., Braga, F. M., & Natividad-Sancho, L. (2021). Dialogic feminist gathering and the prevention of gender violence in girls with intellectual disabilities. Frontiers in psychology12, 662241. 

Explanation of the Post

The dialogues and reflections of the girls (aged 15 to 18) in Out-of-Home Care after participating in the Dialogic Feminist Gatherings show an increase in the competences related to subjects such as attractionchoice and equality in relationships. Results in research imply direct effects on the future nonviolent choices made by these adolescents that will reduce decisively their risk and their friends’s to suffer from gender-based violence.

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  1. The research ‘Reconstruction of Autobiographical Memories of Violent Sexual-Affective Relationships Through Scientific Reading on Love: A Psycho-Educational Intervention to Prevent Gender Violence’provides evidence for the prevention of gender violence and revictimization, through the reading of the scientific work Radical Love (Gómez, 2004, 2015), which focuses on the social nature of love and attraction in relationships affective-sexual, in the importance of the intersubjective or communicative choice and in the skills necessary for equality in affective-sexual relationships.
    Racionero-Plaza, S; Ugalde-Lujambio, L; Puigvert, L; Aiello, E. (2018) Reconstruction of Autobiographical Memories of Violent Sexual-Affective Relationships Through Scientific Reading on Love: A Psycho-Educational Intervention to Prevent Gender Violence. Frontiers Psychology. doi: 10.3389/fp-syg.201801996

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