Thursday, Sep 26 2024

It is possible to improve reading comprehension in people with hearing impairment at any time of their development

Original posted by ALBAUV18

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Scientific Articles

Barril, F. J. C. (2017). La comprensión lectora en el alumnado sordo desde la perspectiva de la Escuela Inclusiva. International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI), 8, 200–219.

Saquete, E., Vázquez, S., Lloret, E., Llopis, F., Gómez, J. M., & Mosquera, A. (2013). Tratamiento de textos para mejorar la comprensión lectora en alumnos con deficiencias auditivas. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 51, 231–234.


Explanation of the Post

People with profound prelocutive deafness have difficulties in reading comprehension due to problems in the acquisition and development of oral language, which affects their cognitive and symbolic development. These difficulties are manifested in several levels of reading processing such as phonological skills, lexical recognition, vocabulary, grammatical competences, inferential processes and metacognitive skills.
It should be noted that the use of well-adapted cochlear implants from an early age significantly improves phonological skills and decoding, although prosthetic aids are not enough, as reading comprehension problems in these cases are not mainly due to deficits in phonological and spelling skills. Therefore, it is crucial to start prevention in the early stages of education, from Early Childhood Education to Secondary Education. The MÁS project stands out for developing a multimedia tool that facilitates reading comprehension for people with hearing disabilities. Its main objective is to convert documents in Spanish into easy-to-read texts, facilitating lexical and syntactic-semantic comprehension.
For lexical comprehension, the most common synonymous words and a pictogram related to the word will be provided. In addition, for the named entities, both related images and a definition obtained from a simple online encyclopedia will be provided. For syntactic-semantic understanding, the tool would detect complex structures to translate them into one or more simpler structures, as well as the detection and resolution of temporal expressions and the generation of summaries that simplify complex texts. At the moment, the system is under development to complete all its proposed functions, but it is currently capable of recognizing both named entities and temporal expressions. Both elements are marked with a link.
For the entities you name: definition from Wikipedia and three images from Google photos. For temporal expressions: the expression resolved on a specific date or date periods.

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