Theme: Subjects
Friday, Sep 27 2024

The benefit of music therapy in children with cochlear implants

Original posted by mym

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Scientific Articles

Lo, C. Y., Looi, V., Thompson, W. F., & McMahon, C. M. (2020). Music training for children with sensorineural hearing loss improves speech-in-noise perception. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 63(6), 1990–2015.  

Chen, J. K.-C., Chuang, A. Y. C., McMahon, C., Hsieh, J.-C., Tung, T.-H., & Li, L. P.-H. (2010). Music training improves pitch perception in prelingually deafened children with cochlear implants. Pediatrics, 125(4), e793–e800.

Torppa, R., & Huotilainen, M. (2019). Why and how music can be used to rehabilitate and develop speech and language skills in hearing-impaired children. Hearing Research, 380, 108–122. 


Explanation of the Post

There is a strong correlation between music and the development of speech and language skills in both typically hearing children and those with hearing impairment or cochlear implants. In children with normal hearing, music training increases auditory perception, verbal memory and attention, which facilitates language development. Studies show that participation in musical activities improves speech perception, verbal intelligence and cognitive functions.

Research suggests that in children with hearing loss or cochlear implants, music can improve speech sound perception, auditory memory and language segmentation, especially through singing and playing instruments. It has also been used as a tool in rehabilitation, helping to improve auditory attention and prosody perception, fundamental aspects for language development.

Despite the need for further studies, it would be beneficial to integrate music into speech therapy and aural rehabilitation, as it can have a positive impact on language development in children with cochlear implants.

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