Thursday, Oct 03 2024

Assistive technology and hearing aids help hearing impaired students improve school performance

Original posted by Acasan1997

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Scientific Articles

Bell, D. Foiret, J. (2020) “A rapid review of the effect of assistive technology on the educational performance of students with impaired hearing”

Tomblin, B. Oleson, J. Ambrose, S. Walker, E. McCreery, R. Moeller, M. (2020) “Aided hearing moderates the academic outcomes of children with mild to severe hearing loss” DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000823

Explanation of the Post

Children with hearing loss perform worse academically than hearing learners from the same age-group. Learners with moderate to severe hearing loss are most likely to have poorer languaje skills than mild to moderate hearing loss learners. Assistive technology can help them improve their performance and help them improve their education quality. Hearing aids specifically are one of the most accesible assistive technology for learners with hearing impairment, and they provide drastic improvement in scholar perofrmance in mild hearing loss, even more so in severe hearing loss. Other assistive technology such as FM transmitters are a cheaper, more viable option than hearing aids and can be implemented in most enviroments and not be concealed to the class. Also speech-to-text transcription systems can be very helpfull to provide the knowledge that hearing impaired students are missing due to their condition. Even tho there are evidences that this assistive technology can improve the quality of life of hearing impaired students, there aren’t a lot of studies about this specific topic, but the existent ones give scientific proof of the advantages that this technology gives to hearing impaired students.

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