Thursday, Sep 26 2024

Comprehensive Support and Inclusion are essential to improving the academic performance of students with audibility problems

Original posted by carolinapiqueras

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Scientific Articles

A multilinguistic spelling analysis of children who are hard of hearing. (2020). The Journal Of Deaf Studies And Deaf Education.

Van Der Straaten, T. F. K., Briaire, J. J., Dirks, E., Soede, W., Rieffe, C., & Frijns, J. H. M. (2021). The School Career of Children With Hearing Loss in Different Primary Educational Settings—A Large Longitudinal Nationwide Study. The Journal Of Deaf Studies And Deaf Education, 26(3), 405-416.

Rekkedal, A. M. (2012). Assistive Hearing technologies among students with hearing impairment: factors that promote satisfaction. The Journal Of Deaf Studies And Deaf Education, 17(4), 499-517.

Explanation of the Post

It is essential to understand that students with audibility problems have greater difficulties academically than the rest, since they not only need technological tools, such as hearing aids or implants, but also an environment that favors their inclusion and adaptation. As we have been able to verify in different studies:

In the primary education stage is where a lower performance than the rest of the classmates can be seen, which suggests that it is necessary to implement additional support strategies to guarantee an egalitarian learning process.

On the other hand, in a study to check the spelling of people with hearing impairment, we can observe that audibility does not directly affect spelling accuracy in people with hearing loss, but in children with less assisted audibility more omissions and spelling errors are observed in the writing of words. This highlights the importance of offering good sound quality in the educational environment, in order to optimize their learning.

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