Monday, Sep 11 2023

A student’s race and ethnicity are a cause of the academic achievement gaps

Original posted by alexjohn28

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Scientific Articles


  • Henry, D. A., Betancur Cortés, L., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2020). Black–White achievement gaps differ by family socioeconomic status from early childhood through early adolescence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(8), 1471–1489.
  • Merolla, David M., and Omari Jackson. (2019). Structural Racism as the Fundamental Cause of the Academic Achievement Gap. Sociology Compass, 13(6).
  • Becker, B. E., & Luthar, S. S. (2002). Social-Emotional Factors Affecting Achievement Outcomes Among Disadvantaged Students: Closing the Achievement Gap. Educational psychologist, 37(4), 197–214.

Explanation of the Post

Although there is a correlation between students belonging to an ethnic/racial minority group and lower academic achievement; the educational success of students from diverse racial backgrounds can be determined by issues within the educational system. Thus, factors such as inequalities and racial segregation in schools could explain gaps between BIPOC and white students.

Other sources

  • Smith, Belle. “Why Is There a Huge Academic-Achievement Gap between White Students and Their Peers of Color?” Parent Herald, 4 May 2016.

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  1. The articles we have chosen do not deny the existence of an academic achievement gap but rather explore its complexity. Instead of negating its existence, they suggest that academic performance is multifaceted, with socioeconomic factors being the most influential. The correlation between ethnic/racial minority groups and lower academic performance among other students is not denied; instead, it is emphasized that these existing differences may be attributed to inequalities, racial segregation within schools, and students’ health. Families with low incomes attend schools that lack sufficient resources and educational opportunities. Within the same school, black and Hispanic students may have less access to advanced educational programs due to existing segregation. The expectations and biases towards these students negatively impact their performance. All of this is due to historical factors.

    Scientific articles

    . Kuhfeld, M., Gershoff, E., & Paschall, K. (2018). The development of racial/ethnic and socioeconomic achievement gaps during the school years. REVISTA DE PSICOLOGÍA DEL DESARROLLO APLICADA, 57, 62-73.

    . Catherine N. Rasberry ; Georgianne F.; Laura Kann, Tim McManus; Shannon L. Michael; Caitlin L. Merlo; Sarah M. Lee; Michele K. Bohm; Francis Annor; Kathleen A. Ethier. (2017). Health-Related Behaviors and Academic Achievement Among High School Students — United States, 2015.

    . Paschall, K. W., Gershoff, E. T., & Kuhfeld, M. (2018). A Two Decade Examination of Historical Race/Ethnicity Disparities in Academic Achievement by Poverty Status. JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE, 47, 1164-1177.

  2. Mi trayectoria como maestra me ha llevado a trabajar (también actualmente) en diversos centros ricos en diversidad étnica, cultural y socio económica por parte del alumnado y sus familias.
    La experiencia me demuestra que cuando se llevan a cabo actuaciones educativas de éxito y rodea al alumnado de interacciones de calidad y con altas expectativas que compensen el riesgo de exclusión social, la raza o el origen étnico no sólo no son la causa de un menor rendimiento sino que son un valor añadido para la comunidad y el capital intelectual y cultural colectivo.
    En su individualidad, este alumnado parte de las mismas potencialidades que cualquier otro, si el sistema educativo da una respuesta adecuada a la vulnerabilidad que puedan desarrollar derivada de las circunstancias sociales.

    Susana Gómez, maestra de Educación Primaria y Educación Especial.

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