Sunday, Sep 27 2020

“all men are or will be whore hounds”

Original posted by Rubén Rodríguez

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Scientific Articles

Explanation of the Post

I have heard that “all men are or will be whore hounds” at some time of their lives, but I believe it is a hoax because I have never been a consumer of prostitution and I have read and heard may testimonies like mine.

Also, I haven’t found any scientific research that supports this statement., but I have read this article

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    I agree with you that this is a hoax.
    The evidence highlights that a lot of men fight against double standard, and certainly against prostitution, in this terms they don’t need this kind of relations, because they don´t like them and because they want to build a relations that combines desire and ethics.

    Oyama, H., & Otsuka, T. (1999). On the Historyof Men’s Movements in Japan I. Journal of Gender Studies Japan, 1999(2), 43-55.
    Blog hombres abolicionistas

    Flecha, R., Puigvert, L., & Rios, O. (2013). The New Alternative Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88–113. doi: 10.17583/rimcis.2013.612

  2. Esto debe ser un bulo. La mayoría de hombres que yo conozco no son puteros. He conocido hombres de edad avanzada que jamás han sido puteros. Por lo tanto este mensaje es falso.

  3. As an under-30 man, I have never met anyone who had been to a brothel, and especially from my friends I trust what they say.
    However, I do have heard some boys and men joke about going to a brothel or to one of those horrible pubs.

    And, what is key, I think, is that all those boys and men embody what Flecha, Puigvert, & Rios (2013) call Traditional Masculinities, men with more (Dominant) or less (Oppressed) social “success”; and, at the same time, I have never met any men who resemble New Alternative Masculinities (NAM) who had said those comments and jokes.

    So, to put it short, only Dominant/Oppressed Traditional Masculinities consume prostitution. And every day that passes they are less and less.


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