Saturday, Oct 17 2020

All men are potential gender aggressors

Original posted by Liviu-Catalin Mara

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Scientific Articles

Explanation of the Post

This is a hoax.

It is not true that all men are potential abusers. In fact, there are men who position themselves against gender violence and “construct their masculinity in the context of their romantic relationships” (Gerson 2010). As an example, the research conducted by Conlin and Heesacker (2018) studied the participation of men in gender equality activism in the US and supported the idea of an “inclusive feminism, or the idea that men can be feminists […] expanding engagement and participation – towards a more diverse and inclusive movement (Conlin & Heesacker, 2018).

In this line, there is evidence of the existence of a type of masculinity which is contrary to gender violence. This is the case of New Alternative Masculinities (NAM), men who position themselves next to the victims and against the aggressors. The role of NAM is essential to overcome gender-based violence in all contexts, as these men “show solidarity with women, creating new spaces for dialogue and coordination” that contribute to overcome together discrimination and oppression against women (Joanpere & Morlà, 2019).
Another the study showed that men “provide narratives of a progressive, egalitarian masculinity. They express a desire for accomplished, ambitious women, thereby signifying their acceptance of and security with an equal partner. They express solidarity with feminists […]. The men also contrast their own behaviors and beliefs with the stereotypical image of the domineering, emotionally unavailable, and promiscuous man. Not only are they sensitive to women’s feelings and respect their boundaries, they also seek out commitment and emotional intimacy, reject superficial evaluations of women, and are more than happy to allow women to take the lead in relationships” (Lamont, 2015).

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1 Comment

  1. Tras la lectura del comentario concluimos en que estamos todos de acuerdo con que esta afirmación sea un bulo. Nos gustaría añadir la importancia de la educación temprana en nuevas masculinidades alternativas para que los hombres no sigan siempre el mismo patrón y tengan más fácil la deconstrucción de la masculinidad hegemónica. Es una afirmación que muchas mujeres piensan que es cierta y que se dirigen a los hombres de forma generalizada, y a su vez, hombres que consideran al feminismo como su enemigo y que las mujeres venden esta idea, por tanto vemos muy positivo que dicha afirmación se catalogue como un bulo.

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