Theme: Feminism
Monday, Oct 04 2021

Gender is violence.

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Scientific Articles

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There are feminists who talk about the abolition of gender. They have this goal since they argue that gender is violence. Does this scientific validity have this affirmation? There is any study that categorizes gender as a form of violence by itself?

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  1. No one will ever be able to impose on women how we should think or act, much less what we should be. We also defend the freedom of those who want to make other choices and we will continue to fight for our freedom against all violence. Those who attack our freedom are the heirs of those who have denied it to us for millennia.


    Gender definition by WHO: Gender is used to describe the characteristics of women and men that are socially constructed, while sex refers to those that are biologically determined. People are born female or male, but learn to be girls and boys who grow into women and men. This learned behaviour makes up gender identity and determines gender roles.

    Gender violence definition by UNWomen: any act of “gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of acts such as coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”.

    I think that some learned behaviors (gender) could contribute to a power inbalance between women and men, some others can produce violence but others contribute to a gender equality and equity. Is true that men and women are normally educated in a different ways, but this education is not a direct source of harm or suffering to women or men.


    WHO’s gender definition:

    Gender violence definition: (Source: United Nations General Assembly, 1993, Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women)

  3. “A full understanding of gender-based violence requires going beyond a focus on sex differences in rates and ratings of specific acts to examine how various aspects of gender shape the predictors, dynamics, and outcomes of violence for both women and men (Russo, N & Pirlott, A).”
    Based on the quote, I believe that the concept of gender does not lead to violence. Instead, analyzing violence from the perspective of gender helps us discover the multiple aspects of oppression that women and other gender minorities face.

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