There are still inequalities in work between men and women
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Scientific Articles
- Mulinge, M. M., Mueller, C. W., & Glass, J. (2002). Interactional Processes and Gender Workplace Inequalitie.
- Scarborough, W. J., Lambouths III, D. L., & Holbrook, A. L. (2019). Support of workplace diversity policies: The role of race, gender, and beliefs about inequality. Social Science Research, 79, 194-210.
- Ud Din, N., Cheng, X., & Nazneen, S. (2018). Women’s skills and career advancement: a review of gender (in) equality in an accounting workplace. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 31(1), 1512-1525.
Explanation of the Post
Nowadays, unfortunately, we have not yet achieved equality between men and women. In the field of work, discrimination against women affects negatively to them regard to employment opportunities, which contributes to their economic situation.
There are also issues with compensation, promotion opportunities, and role assignments within the company. When they are considered “male-dominated jobs” or believed to be “for them,” women are rated negatively and less chosen or recommended to these positions.
There are times when they are less likely to be interviewed, in comparison to men, who tend to classify them as more competitive, contractable, and more useful, offering them a higher salary and a better workplace than women, having considering that they have the same qualities and abilities.
It is normal for them to feel inferior and think that they are doing things wrong, these acts affect them physically and psychologically, for example, manifesting stress, mental health problems, lack of self-esteem, self-confidence and makes them doubt of their capabilities.
In conclusion, employment inequality is an issue that must be eliminated as soon as possible, as it takes away many opportunities from excellent women in the world just because they are women and because they are undervalued. Create a workplace with diversity, whether gender, race, religion, etc ; enriches the company, therefore, its benefice increases. Regarding to the salary or task difference at work, there should be no discrimination, when a man and a woman have the same qualities, they can do the same.
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Historically, the roles of women and men have been very clearly defined. Men have been characterized in the labor sector while women have performed domestic tasks. It is for this and many other factors that there is a scarce participation of women in positions that require leadership and participation. This should change as it hinders personal and professional growth. In conclusion, both genders should get the same salary remuneration for jobs with the same characteristics.
Después de haber realizado una búsqueda de información en diferentes bases de datos como Dialnet, Google Scoolar y Mendeley entre otras se ha observado una relación directa entre género y desigualdad laboral.
Diferentes estudios han observado la existencia de una brecha de género. Desde el Observatorio de Igualdad y Empleo se plantea términos como el de suelo pegajoso, el
cual hace alusión a la realidad a través de la cual las mujeres sufren una serie de impedimentos que les impiden que se desarrolle en el mundo laboral o en la esfera de lo público. Por otro lado, también se plantea otro termino relevante como es el techo de cristal el cual lo definen como el límite invisible desde el exterior que impide el crecimiento laboral o ascenso a las mujeres dentro de una empresa.
Otros fenómenos importantes a tener en cuenta los cuales están estrechamente relacionados con el género; la dificultad a la hora de la conciliación laboral, la feminización de la pobreza y la precariedad, al igual que la asociación de ciertos puestos de trabajos ligado a los cuidados con las mujeres, los cuales están socialmente infravalorados dentro del ámbito productivo.
Cebrián, I., & Moreno, G. (2018). Desigualdades de género en el mercado laboral. Panorama social, 27, 47-63.
Oxfan Intermon (2017).12 datos de desigualdad de género en el trabajo en España.