Self-confidence is a key trait for New Alternative Masculinities
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Scientific Articles
- Flecha, R., Puigvert, L., & Rios, O. (2013). The new alternative masculinities and the overcoming of gender violence. International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 88-113.
- Redondo-Sama, G. (2016). Dialogic Leadership and New Alternative Masculinities: Emerging Synergies for Social Transformation. Masculinities and Social Change, 5(1), 70-91. doi: 10.17583/mcs.2016.1929
- Diez-Palomar, J., & Mara, L. C. (2020). Mathematics Makes you Feel Attractive. Empowering New Alternative Masculinities in the Context of Mathematics Classrooms. Masculinities & Social Change, 9(1), 53-84.
- Rodríguez-Navarro, H., Ríos-González, O., Racionero, S., & Macías, F. (2014). New methodological insights into communicative acts that promote new alternative masculinities. Qualitative Inquiry, 20(7), 870-875.
Explanation of the Post
The concept of new alternative masculinities (NAM) has been around for a while now; more and more opinion articles are being published every week on digital press platforms. Sometimes, the authors are referred to as “experts”, while their statements do not match the existing scientific literature on the topic. One example is the definition, or multiple definitions, we get for the term “New Masculinities”.
Scientific evidence shows that new masculinities contribute to overcoming gender-based violence only if they meet certain characteristics. Self-confidence is clearly one of those features, although it is actually not even mentioned in many of the opinion articles people read on a daily basis. In fact, according to Rodriguez-Navarro et al., (2014) “The NAM attitude is based on safety, attraction, equality, the search for equal relationships based on desire and love, and rejection of people with non-egalitarian values or who are violent” (p.871)
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