If someone has more hooking-up experience, he or she is more of a sex expert
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Scientific Articles
- Armstrong, E. A., England, P., & Fogarty, A. C. (2012). Accounting for women’s orgasm and sexual enjoyment in college hookups and relationships. American Sociological Review, 77(3), 435-462. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122412445802
- Carlson, D.L., & Soller, B. (2018) Sharing’s more fun for everyone? Gender attitudes, sexual self-efficacy, and sexual frequency. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(1) 24–41. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12524
- Paik, A. (2010). “Hookups,” dating, and relationship quality: Does the type of sexual involvement matter?. Social Science Research, 39(5), 739-753
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2010.03.011 - Anders, K. M., Goodcase, E., Yazedjian, A., & Toews, M. L. (2020). “Sex is Easier to Get and Love is Harder to Find”: Costs and Rewards of Hooking Up Among First-Year College Students. The Journal of Sex Research, 57(2), 247-259. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2019.1667946
Explanation of the Post
This statement is a hoax. There is scientific evidence pointing that sexual expertise and pleasure are not related to the technique but to egalitarian beliefs and feelings. In this line, Armstrong, England and Fogarty showed that “women reported they most frequently had orgasms when they were with a caring sexual partner: he was concerned with her pleasure, willing to take time and perform the practices that worked, and she could communicate about what felt good. In describing good sexual partners, women often emphasized attentiveness:I know that he wants to make me happy. I know that he wants me to orgasm. I know that, and like just me knowing that we are connected and like we’re going for the same thing and that like he cares’.” (p. 454)
In addition, other studies illustrate how hooking-up experiences are often related to lower relationship quality (Paik, 2010). In this line, Anders et al. showed “some participants described feelings of emotional distress following the hook up experience that made the experience regretful. For example, one female stated, “I think you just leave after a situation like that … you’re like ‘oh my God, what did I just do’ and you’re sad and confused.” Additionally, although not all hook up experiences were costly, many participants referenced how engaging in a hook up while intoxicated or not being in the right state of mind (e.g., “mad at your girlfriend”) increased the feelings of regret and costs“.
In contrast, other studies point that “egalitarian beliefs enhance sexual self‐efficacy and mutual partner decision‐making” (Carlson & Soller, 2018).
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