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Scientific Articles
- Ruiz-Eugenio, L.; Torras-Gómez, E.; López de Aguileta-Jaussi, G.; Gutiérrez-Fernández, N. (2020). Changes in Tongue Kissing in Hook-Ups after COVID-19. Sustainability, 12, 6309. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12166309
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The COVID-19 pandemic has not only an incidence on people’s health but also on the way we relate to each other and choose people to have a relationship.
This study shows an impact on the way of kissing and the type of affective relationships that we are already beginning to change:
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Recently, the press has disseminated statements of some professors predicting an explosion of indiscriminate hookups. Scientific research doesn’t support such prediction. Instead, preliminary recent research shows that girls will choose better with whom they will hook up. Some researchers say that this will be the first reaction after the pandemic, but that later on, the aforementioned explosion of indiscriminate hookups will come. No one knows the future and any prediction of that is not scientific, but until now the known research isn’t in that direction. Those preliminary results are very hopeful not only to avoid future contagion, but also to decrease date violence and choose more satisfactory sexual-affective relationships. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/16/6309
En l’article següent afirma que clarament la pandèmia del Covid 19, ha transformat la manera com vivim i que desprès del confinament, la forma en la que ens relacionàvem ha canviat de forma dràstica. Els símptomes que presenten son el 80% sentiments depressius i de desesperança un 83%. On tot això influència amb problemes psicològics d’ansietat i depressió, estres post traumàtic a conseqüència del covid- 19 i el confinament. Tot això farà que la manera en que nosaltres ens relacionem canvi directament.
Tamayo García, MR, Miraval Tarazona, ZE, & Mansilla Natividad, P. (2020). Trastorns de les emocions a conseqüència del COVID-19 i el confinament en universitaris de les diferents escoles de la Universitat Nacional Hermilio Valdizán. Revista de Comunicació i Salut , 102, 343–354. https://doi.org/10.35669/rcys.2020.10(2).343-354
En l’article següent evidencia que el Covid-19 ha canviar dràsticament la manera de relacionar-nos entre tots nosaltres i tot això es degut a que en molts casos la malaltia ha impactat de forma directa a persones properes, també que molts universitaris, per exemple han presentat trastorns emocionals com problemes de son, sentiments depressius i de desesperança. A conseqüència del confinament, es presenten problemes psicològics d’ansietat, depressió, depressió i estrès… Tot això afecta directament a la manera que nosaltres ens relacionem, tant amb nosaltres mateixos com amb el nostre entorn.
Tamayo García, MR, Miraval Tarazona, ZE, & Mansilla Natividad, P. (2020). Trastorns de les emocions a conseqüència del COVID-19 i el confinament en universitaris de les diferents escoles de la Universitat Nacional Hermilio Valdizán. Revista de Comunicació i Salut , 102, 343–354. https://doi.org/10.35669/rcys.2020.10(2).343-354
En el artículo siguiente evidencia que el *Covid-19 ha cambiar drásticamente la manera de relacionarnos entre todos nosotros y todo esto se debido a que en muchos casos la enfermedad ha impactado de forma directa a personas próximas, también que muchos universitarios, por ejemplo han presentado trastornos emocionales como problemas de sueño, sentimientos depresivos y de desesperanza. A *conseqüencia del confinamiento, se presentan problemas psicológicos de ansiedad, depresión, depresión y estrés… Todo esto afecta directamente a la manera que nosotros nos relacionamos, tanto con nosotros mismos como con nuestro entorno.
Tamayo García, MR, Miraval Tarazona, ZE, & Mansilla Natividad, P. (2020). Trastorns de les emocions a conseqüència del COVID-19 i el confinament en universitaris de les diferents escoles de la Universitat Nacional Hermilio Valdizán. Revista de Comunicació i Salut , 102, 343–354. https://doi.org/10.35669/rcys.2020.10(2).343-354
Recently, there has been a study done on changes in communication about sex and hookups on Tinder. They gathered data from 29 in-depth qualitative interview with college students (20 female; 9 male). Results showed that the quality and quantity of communication at first time in-person meetings have been modified to mainly occur in private and people more openly communicate about health, sexual health and STIs. They concluded that participants have a strong desire to be more cautious and cognizant of health and safety as a result of COVID-19.
This supports the idea that hookup culture has changed after COVID-19 since there is a greater emphasis on being aware of the sexual health and overall health of your partner prior to hooking up. This also implies there may be a bias towards choosing healthy partners. Additionally, the transition to meeting in more private places for these hookups serves as another consequence of COVID-19.
The article Changes in Tongue Kissing in Hook-Ups after COVID-19 supports the statement that COVID-19 has changed choices of behaviors in hook-ups. It is argued that many of the participants of the study claimed potential changes in the memories of past tongue-kissing hook-ups and different decisions of tongue-kissing in hook-ups based on more awareness of health issues related to virus transmission. The article aimed to provide more information to girls so they can freely decide with whom to engage in sexual-affective relationships in the futurehttps://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/bitstream/2445/174517/1/703073.pdf
COVID-19 has definitely changed the way we relate to each other, including our sexual relationships. One study found that risky sexual behavior has decreased since the pandemic while the use of mobile dating apps has increased (https://www-webofscience-com.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000833237600001).
Beyond new relationships, technology has been used to maintain relationships through the pandemic. For example, researchers in the Philippines studied how physically separated gay couples used online messaging apps to maintain their relationships (https://www-webofscience-com.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000756180400003).
Recently, a study was conducted on the impact of COVID-19 on sexual behaviors in the US. The study found there was a decrease in some partnered activities including casual sex, hookups and number of partners. They cited depression symptoms, relationship status and perceived importance of social distancing as predictors of this result. These findings support the idea that COVID-19 has changed hookup culture as it has decreased the amount of hookups and number of partners people have compared to before the pandemic.
Aquest article parla sobre la falta d’espais per adolescents d’entre tretze i divuit anys on poder abordar questions sobre la sexualitat especificament durant el temps de la pandèmia de Covid-19, l’article parla també de la generació d’espais vivencials com a eina per la construcció de la ciutadania sexual.
Cárdenas Salazar, S y Castiblanco Piñeros, J. (2021). Ciudadanía sexual: abordando la sexualidad adolescente en tiempos de pandemia por covid-19. Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca. https://repositorio.unicolmayor.edu.co/handle/unicolmayor/5547
La pandèmia de la COVID-19 va canviar de manera radical l’estil de vida de les persones arreu del món. L’estat d’alarma va obligar a la població a quedar-se a casa, canviant així les relacions interpersonals com les de parella, familiars, amics, etc. El treball a casa, el distanciament social, la presència continuada de nens a casa, la por a la infecció, el fet de no poder reunir-se físicament amb els altres, etc. han canviat els hàbits sexuals de la majoria de les persones.
Peinado Ibarra, F. & Mehrad, M. & Di Mauro, M. & Peraza Godoy, M.F. & García Cruz, E. & Nilforoushzadeh, M.A & Russo, G.I. (2020). Impacte de la pandèmia de la COVID-19 en el comportament sexual de la població. La visió de l’est i l’oest. https://www.scielo.br/j/ibju/a/YY49pYVLtZdPCVxdrGGLqmk/?lang=en#